January 26, 2008

How to become Jedi ?

In "Star wars" Universe Jedi are practically overpowered. If you want you can call Force and drag object to yourself from hundreds meters, if you want - jump up almost up to the sky, if you want - pilot a space fighter, if you want - take a light sword and... Yes, without swords Jedi wouldn't be so powerful. If you are fan of "Star wars" (I am btw) time has come. In fact it is possible to order on this interesting site a real lightsaber. It is possible also to purchase an unique imperial assault rifle, but what such a rifle in comparison with the REAL lightsaber?! Prices are bite - from 250 $ up to 400 $ depending on updating the weapon and its color. But, is financial barrier can confuse real Jedi ? I think I will buy Dart Maul's two-handed one on this site.
unique sites


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